@Jiayi是谁 from the last bday at Azya until the last party together, I can't tell u how thankful I'm. I might forget where we had partyed or who we had bitched, but I always remember it was u who was being there for me. Love&miss you! Happy birthday! 我在:Soi Ban Lang Suan展开全文
昨晚收拾东西,搬箱子承重,扭到了腰到现在还是疼的。记得小时候我说我腰疼,我妈说小孩子哪来的腰啊,well 看来我现在已经不小了~ 不过拖了几个月终于把东西整好 寄出去了~ when it comes we will be content, will shake hands with everyone, and then pack a bag, and go to the volcano展开全文 原微博