在Acme Witty三立学习托福的过程,是一个成长的过程,在这个过程中,你收获的不仅仅是答题的技巧和方法,更有自信与契而不舍的精神。The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. @吴鹏Bill@姚中元-老姚@王志庆周命维新展开全文
春蚕到死丝方尽,describe the city you live in! 告别了寒假的忙碌,三立托福AcmeWitty的小伙伴们又要迎来春季的第一波冲分,平时全日制脱产班,周末中高级班和冲刺班,VIP1对1继续火热招募中,听说读写逐个击破,准确无误的机经预测,小伙伴们还不奔相告知@吴鹏Bill@姚中元-老姚@王志庆周命维新展开全文
回复@狂月天时: Here the news can mean both. Either a news about you or you family members or a news report about a current event. For example, u have receieved the offer ur dream school, good news for u. Or Na Li won the French Opening, good news 2. Hope the info mite help:) //@展开全文