Right attitude with one arm can beat bad attitude with two arms!!!! The Gimp Monkeys really is breathtaking!!! These guys are disable people, but they have their one and only goal climbing the mountains! They have fulfilled their dreams!!!!! 热血沸腾 again!!@波西小姐 @贞谅 展开全文原微博 _素心若雪
恭祝風流倜儻,英俊瀟灑,才華橫溢,外秀惠中的@Evian小哥 生日快樂!In the journey of your life, may your joys double and your success triple, may your sorrows halve and your failure disappear. Wishing you a stress free life. Happy Birthday!!----澳洲人民發來賀電! 展开全文原微博