But tenteL key to understanding stories lies in seeing how they see ultimately rotted in a level of the unconscious which is collective to all humanity; - seven basic plots
One can't phrase it into a 39;worth-it-or-not' question. It39;s a piece of my soul and a corner of the world which I took courage to peek into. I've experience so much and grown so much out of it. It39;s softly warm. It's been a year. It39;s happy to meet you : )
我觉得作者说的就是,这个市场里的大家都奔着钱去咯,没一个人捡节操了。 听人人上的同龄人给你讲道理之《这个世界并不像你想象的那么简单》 原文 🔗 网页链接 (详见长微博) ... 🔗 网页链接 (分享自 @长微博工具)
[Interesting Pics ]City of Anarchy-Demolished Kowloon Walled City in Hong Kong Source: SCMP)南华早报做的香港九龙寨的3D透视图, 图🔗 网页链接
【CFR-North Korea's Nuclear Needs】自从朝鲜核试验被确定,微博上看到的全都是讨伐中国外交政策者—— 咱们也来看看这位主角及主角相关吧,毕竟DPRK的决定才不仅仅是为中国做出的,对吧🔗 网页链接