//@北美美容快报: Amazon, opi官网, eBay 都应该有的。色号就是La Paz Itively Hot Matte,搜就应该出来了 原微博 傈傈LEE
#2012微博盘点#且说当今世界,纷争不断,本丞相@傈傈LEE 心怀天下济苍生,在规划新年世界格局之前,且先回顾来路,上表主公,不成想小笔一挥,竟成千古传诵… 🔗 网页链接 原微博 傈傈LEE
(转youtube comment) 这个人太有才了,把MISS A的所有主打歌给... I cant BREATHE when you TOUCH me and say GOODBYE BABY... I used to be a BAD GIRL but I became a GOOD GIRL for you...yet you left me behind... Because of you I can not LOVE AGAIN and I just realized I DONT NEED A MAN... 展开全文原微博