Charles:"I believe the true focus lies somewhere between rage and serenity." -Erik:"Who the hell are you!?" Charles:"I'm like you. Just calm your mind." Elsa!Erik和Jack!Charles展开全文
#XFC##白色情人节#“What is love?” -“Love is a touch and yet not a touch.” “Quiet a good answer, Ororo.”很想看Charles教课,一定是个有耐心又有趣的好老师~顺便,有人来旁听诗歌课了www(大图慢点放pix和汤展开全文
#XFC##Right Kind of Wrong#“Not like this, my friend. You should kiss my lips.”只是携图推一下Chiaki君的文而已。黑手党设定,两位都好坚强,虽然设定是很容易开金手指的类型,但是两个人都很努力地活着><(不过还有人没看过吗XDbbb)>>> 🔗 网页链接展开全文