//@老柯扯白淡: The Dalai Lama, 77, recalls the elder Xi as "very friendly, comparatively more open-minded, very nice" and says he only gave watches back then to those Chinese officials he felt close to. 只是一块手表的事儿么?"For Hu, it was Taiwan," "For Xi, it's Tibet,"挺有意思展开全文
一打开Reuters就看到这个!虽然是昨天的新闻了,正文:Insight: Does China's next leader have a soft spot for Tibet? 都已经next leader了。说Dalai和仲勋once had a special relationship,不明真相的人想知道具体内容~[要不要这样啊!上个google一输入东西就黄框框,迅速被封] @少说话的帆展开全文