张生肯定考不上。@AJ啊AJ @王淩Ling 原微博 tuboshulilili
Whenever someone in between the age of @irissham and @AJ啊AJ tries to play the innocent card, I would think (not dare say though), “sign up for the membership at a skincare outlet n find we’re in the same box!" But 22, is a holly scary no. (am not saying things to u @Tom_牛田) 展开全文原微博 tuboshulilili
有谁知道@itstommy 爱人的微博? 原微博 tuboshulilili
在公司楼下的酒吧等天晴,我说来杯passion fruit martini吧,酒保说马天尼一般男孩子喝的,您来杯小红梅特饮吧。。。怎么回事,阿拉今天没戴小红帽!@遥遥归江南 原微博 tuboshulilili
问:一直跟着屈原的小姑娘叫什么来着?@港湾小王子 @itstommy 原微博 tuboshulilili
终于看了你们说的天天向上,太脑残了,我不认识你们!@飞翔鸟08 @itstommy 原微博