China's internet censorship is absolutely a very stupid idea.By blocking foreign websites and social medias,what they are keeping out are not just unstable political elements,but more so the exchanges of knowledges and opinions.展开全文 原微博
回复@精神在线: This is an amazing discovery,like a miracle.The technic is simple and useful,can definitely change the world to a great extend.However,by far it is only circulated on the internet.The world is too stupid and too slow!展开全文 原微博
回复@1ULCEL毛毛1: How happened to 26th?Is it deleted by Sina?Are we never going to have the freedom of speech in china? //@1ULCEL毛毛1: 26号怎么没发,是不是发了给新浪删除了,在中国就真的没言语自由吗展开全文 原微博
回复@小王子1009986400959: Whenever things go wrong,they blame the temporary workers.At the end of the day,farmers take the suffering. //@小王子1009986400959: 中国就是这样一出事就是临时工啊,倒霉的还是老农民啊。 //@李开复: //@薛蛮子: 又是临时工展开全文 原微博
Thank you,sir,for your hospitality.And thank you for teaching me how to play golf earlier today,which is a new trick for me.I think,under your brilliant intruction,I have mastered the dexterity of using golf stick.@MR_泳展开全文
Fast food entrepreneurs are amazing.How do they keep the production cost down by so much?The volume of food in a burger is not low.快餐企业家真厉害。他们怎么控制生产成本?做一个汉堡的材料也不少啊。展开全文
In the movie Teddy Bear,Teddy had sex with his female colleague in the grocery he rendered service to, the manager said:"It took guts. We need guts. I'm promoting you. "展开全文
#地道英语# 你好勇敢啊!都快用烂了的:You are so brave. 老外常用:You are gutsy. 或者 You got guts. 俚语里常用的有:You got balls (较粗俗,balls有testicles的意思。大多数用来形容男士,用在女生的较少). 文绉绉点的说法:How audacious of you. You are so courageous.
回复@我干活活干我: fickle. //@我干活活干我: 成句都系你自己老作上去,我只系讲过训教训死系张床上 //@精神在线: 女人实在太耐人寻味了,让我死在温柔乡吧!Women are so elusive,I'd rather die in their soft embrace! @我真系5系子均展开全文
I love Spiderman much better than other superheroes.Peter Parker's just,agile and cool,also,I like him being with poverty and soft spots.Batman and iron man are too rich,Superman too strong,Green Lantern too limitless,Hulk too mighty,Thor too noble,Captain America too handsome!展开全文 原微博
I know something about Obama's wording,I certainly feel the poise and confidence of a leader,but I also feel his latent"can never be too careful"anxiety.The entire world is watching,and he has to talk so much and make sure none of what he says is inappropriate.How stressful! 展开全文 原微博
That dude was a reflection of me .I imagined a guy with all my flaws sitting in front of me so as to warn myself. 那个家伙是我的倒影。我幻想一个有我的缺点的人,坐在我的面前,以此来警告我自己。展开全文
bungle //@精神在线: 回复@皇家救星_泳: I'm only afraid that a klutz like me would bomb the relationship and end up driving both of us bonkers.However,sex is not a taboo now in china so I feel free to say I have made a girl bent out of shape before. //@皇家救星_泳: 你去试试展开全文 原微博
共和党可以借此图片抨击他举止太骄横。Republicans can use the photos to criticise him of being too bossy. //@李开复: →_→ //@美國駐港總領事館: 回复@通用航空: 嗨!有什麼了!我們自個兒選的!腳丫子別太臭了就行![偷笑][哈哈]展开全文
Last night I watched several movies,here the interesting things about vocabulary:1,A bunch of laborers asked their employer for food,but eventually those people were eaten by monsters.The employer made a snide remark:"I said I'd feed you,I didn't say whom to."展开全文
After plowing through the conjugating-action-movie website for a night,I have got a deeper but more straightforward understanding of the words "juicy","enema" and "gape".我在爱情动作片的网站里观摩了一个晚上,对一些生词有了深入浅出的理解。转发 1评论 0