Everything's gonna be fine,you deserve the best wishes rather than those bullshit from some retarded douche fan.You have no idea how brilliant,kind and healing you are.You are my forever healing unicorn.I love you,Issing Lay.Good night#张艺兴##顶天立地陪Lay追梦##向张艺兴道歉#展开全文
Everytime i saw your smile,i feel calm and warm no matter how terrible the things happening. your are my energy,my vitamin,my sunshine,my beacon,love u 4ever.Taemin.It's late,good night.#李泰民#@WithTaemin随行展开全文
二哥缺席的闪闪,可是..wuli泰民的part多了不少,唱了rap,连二哥的高音部分也包了,不小的突破哦taemin真的是长大了呢..第一次听感觉有点奇怪,三四五遍以后,恩...相当不错啊,WHY SO SERIOUS洗脑中~#SHINee‘s back#@WithTaemin随行@SHINee资讯台 希望二哥快点康复,早早加入~展开全文