这就是Feline/Pussy的隐喻,二次变异带来不仅是外表变化,下文Morrison是在说一个机智风趣世故的人怎么可能是直的嘛//@我也是大狗子汪汪汪汪汪汪汪汪: So how did this sex obsession comment come up in the context of "New X-Men?" it's the fact that Morrison had Beast "admit" he was gay. "展开全文
That's been a part of the journey Wolverine has been on over the course of the last few years, which has led to him being headmaster of the Jean Grey School. So even though Nightcrawler hasn't been around for all of that, he still had a big influence on those events. 感人展开全文 原微博
在最近的Uncanny Avengers 05中,Havok a.k.a Alex Summers(镭射眼的弟弟)做了个演讲,不幸的是这次演讲可能包含了Alex对变种人的不恰当诠释,并说出了The "M" word represents everything I hate这样的话来.这无疑是将变种人坚持许久的身份认同中心论点击得粉碎.完整文章:🔗 网页链接展开全文
"I remember taking Leonardo DiCaprio up to his room, and I was in the elevator with him and, like, seven of his friends. And I remember this guy who looked like a kid...I remember thinking how I was three feet away from this guy, and we were worlds apart.'' uh.......now...now....展开全文