【"We need storytelling. Otherwise, life just goes on and on, like the number Pi." — Ang Lee 】看到这句话,会不会联想到少年派·帕帖尔和那只孟加拉虎在海上漂流的画面?或许谈及为什么人们需要宗教和艺术时,也可以用这句话来解释吧。那,你是怎么理解的呢?来翻译这个句子吧~ #Best Quotes#展开全文
That a fraud like WangLin and a paranoia like FangZhouzi can have such numerous followers, some of whom even reputable figures, proves the effect of a "good cause" on the things to do, no matter how wrong they will be. #sense and sensibility#展开全文 原微博