@Khunnie0624: "@taeccool: @Khunnie0624 let it rain ????" I love U, U love me~~ 泽演回复khun刚刚那个推说最稀饭的是let it rain,khun回复说:我爱你你爱我〜(请不自禁地想接着唱:想〜简简单单爱...)展开全文
在怀特岛tesco掏出这个结帐,有一个帅大叔看到说it's very beautiful,我说we made ourselves,他说wow,fantastic,然后问我这是谁,我说khuntoria,然后解释nichkhun,Victoria〜嗯,然后他就把khuntoria写到手臂上去了,我估计他回家就会开始Google,哈哈哈展开全文 原微博
khun回复他人。Bench; Currently playing Hands Up by 2PM at the Bench Headquarters..."Thank you Bench! Our new album will be out soon. Hope u'll like it bench说在bench总部表演2pm的hands up中,khun回复说:多谢!我们的新专辑很快就要出来了,希望你喜欢哟。展开全文
khun更TS:khun更TS : Clair De Lune - Claude Debussy. A friend I met on a memorable journey recommended this beautiful piano piece to me."The Moonlight" 这首钢琴曲是在一次很难忘的旅行中碰到的朋友推荐给我的展开全文