It consists of 3 classes: ESTBeaconManager, ESTBeaconRegion and ESTBeacon. Each of them is an equivalent of CoreLocation classes (CLLocationManager, CLBeaconRegion, CLBeacon) 哦,包装的这三个classes啊!懂了,iOS7不错。好了,今天开始承接iBeacon业务来来,我们一起上iBeacon。展开全文 原微博
It consists of 3 classes: ESTBeaconManager, ESTBeaconRegion and ESTBeacon. Each of them is an equivalent of CoreLocation classes (CLLocationManager, CLBeaconRegion, CLBeacon) created in particular for Estimate Beacons Platform. 哦包转的这三个啊,懂了。iOS7不错展开全文 原微博