Ladies and gentlemen, I am so happy to announce that I am officially on Wechat now! Add me at【fanstang_adamlambert】or scan the QR code to chat with me! 女士们先生们,我很高兴宣布我有微信了!添加我的微信号【fanstang_adamlambert】或者在背景上扫描我的二维码来和我一起聊天吧!展开全文
Hi China! I can't help myself but announce that I am on Wechat now! All you need to do is to find me at 【fanstang_somerhalder】 or scan this barcode to be my Wechat buddy! 你好中国!我有微信了,赶快添加我的微信号【fanstang_somerhalder 】或者扫描这个二维码与我聊天吧!展开全文