昨天晚上酝酿了一晚,写关于合唱节的文章写到凌晨两点,文档突然就出了故障,再打开的时候,本来接近4000字的文章,里面已经是空白一片,到现在试过各种方法,但是好像已经回天乏术了,本来已经就差一点点了,想用来回想一下合唱节我们从开始到最后,可是现在那篇文章只留在心里了,哭了好一会,算了 展开全文原微博 滑稽的阿糖
lombard street . full of flowers and a slope before reach . and when.you arrive. you will feel it is such a miracle that yesterday you saw it in the network picture and the today you are really standing here with it!each driver want to slow down to enjoy this paradise street 展开全文原微博