Snowden on the run, seeks asylum in Ecuador。读了这篇,不能不笑。境外势力,方便渗透,利用愚昧,千方百计阻挠香港立国安法。所以什么是国家安全,什么是涉及国家安全的资讯都是一片空白的⋯现在无法可依⋯斯诺登抓不住是意料之中⋯境外势力方便自己,但这次砸了自己的脚⋯ 🔗 网页链接展开全文 原微博
If he says Snowden committed a criminal offense , he better lay out the charges and either cite relevant precedents or criminal codes. Otherwise, a person is innocent unless proven guilty...//@头条新闻: 转发微博展开全文
So, China must be good and the Old British Empire must be evil because in the end , China triumphed over Britain and the colony of Hong Kong had to be returned.展开全文
🔗 网页链接 如果想要快速了解她,可以看看这部电影,再看看她的一些演讲。我喜欢这句: I am in politics because of the conflict between good and evil, and I believe that in the end good will triumph. - by Thatcher.