活着下来了[拜拜]教训是挂三号风球的时候别不信邪往山上跑[拜拜]幸亏昨天把鞋摔坏了被迫换运动鞋不然我肯定穿着凉拖就冲进去了[拜拜] 原微博 基本上我只是一个隐蔽的青年
天啊啊啊这段话!Instead of being armed with a gun, he uses a screwdriver to fix things; instead of driving a spaceship, he has a phone box where you can call for help; instead of giving him alien face and pointy ears, they gave him an extra heart. QAQ//@水涟Allons-Y: 真的好棒啊嘤 展开全文原微博 evayEe22
回复 @沈可欣Janice: take care。。。。 //@沈可欣Janice: 尋日佢去睇景炒車呀!連人帶車碌左落山,上埋東方港聞版!仲有個男pa,但就唔知邊個!不過就好好彩,輕傷! 原微博