Yesterday's lunch, made by myself. 1, Smoked salmon and prawns with tuna in codfish caviar and Caesar salad sauce and croutons. 2, Swedish meatballs with roasted cheese potato in cranberry jam. 3, Flowering cabbages in soy source. 4, Ceylon tea(Absence from pic). @渭淇小姐展开全文
MOP澳門圓(葡幣)Macau Pataca TWD 新台幣New Taiwanese Dollar SEK瑞典克郎Swedish Krona DKK丹麥克郎Danish Krone NOK挪威克郎Norwegian Krone ISK冰島克郎Icelandic Króna CLP智利彼索Chilean Peso //@DonVectaGZ: I say "kuai" //@Seanzhen: //@stephen5116: //@JamesChaneUSA: Do you say R展开全文
Ikean olutta ruotsista on ihan hyvää kesäyössa kuumassa ilmassa, vaikka ruotsi voittaa suomi 0-3 jääkiekon MM-kisojen välieräottelussa. Perkele! No lykkyä tykö laulukilpailulle. Hyvää yötä.展开全文
寫了一篇反動essay給「當代世界經濟與政治」老師。。。不知會不會判勞教?Wrote a dissident essay to the teacher of Contemporary Global Economy and Politics curriculum, I wonder whether I'll be caught to RTL? 展开全文
#頭條港聞# A Hong Kong correspondent was attacked and a dissident was arrested secretly in BJ. The SAR government and various political groups express condemnation and concern. 展开全文 原微博
#Special Weather Report#The northeast monsoon is affecting the south China coast. Meanwhile, a cold front over the northern Guangdong is moving southwards gradually. The weather across the region will become cool significantly. MIN temperatures: Hong Kong14°C Guangzhou12°C展开全文 原微博