摄影的料(得瑟 [挖鼻屎]@RocrocrockMe 韩国泡菜水饺噢 妥妥的 勾醒你的味蕾[馋嘴]ps: 稍后还有食物pic[挖鼻屎] 🔗 网页链接 原微博 CYYYD_零距离当_pudding
U'll forever be my starand twinkle all the time<all this time I was waiting for u>my shake for u all the time_u r paul_we love u_and each role of the film u acted_so be fine_n come back soonwaitin'for ya_supporting u_<3520。the day is comin'soon 展开全文原微博 CYYD_唯保零距离_pudding82
null 原微博 夢想家CYYD_唯保零距离_pud82
Happy Birthday to@-DrAthena be friend 4-ever~「图片也许看过了把~」nice to meet u~~ 原微博