听Kaiser老师讲课,除了ppt模版换了颜色,其它都似曾相识,比如三寸见方的小讲台、随手涂改的便携式触摸屏,比如这样的举例: in the small French town where I live, newly opened a bread shop, you know, a boulangerie...难怪当晚会梦见写完作业和学霸同学对答案...画面感如此强烈,恨不能一梦千年展开全文 原微博
书写伊斯坦布尔的文章,电影般的画面感层层交错。“It's a city whose brilliance is strangely provincial, and whose fussy introspection is set in a landscape of matchless imperial openness and grandeur” - Dreaming in Ottoman: Istanbul at a Crossroads华尔街日报 🔗 网页链接展开全文 原微博