a beat generation //@YuTong-: 想起以前有一位大学教师讲课,很明显是那种满怀激情的老师遇到了不解风情的学生。因为学生少,而且学生很不尊重他。甚至有的学生说:草,什么课啊,老子书都没带。这位教师特别伤心,但又特别无奈,只好在黑板上写了一行字:期待是所有心痛的根源,心不动,则不痛。展开全文
Since the mid-20th century, the KKK has also been anti-communist.The current manifestation is splintered into several chapters with no connection to each other; it is classified as a hate group. It is estimated to have between 5,000 and 8,000 members as of 2012.展开全文
Ambulocetus natans(走鲸) was an early cetacean that could walk as well as swim. 走鲸看起来像是覆有皮毛的鳄鱼,但它实际上是早期的鲸类。它游泳的样子有点像水獭,而陆上的行动笨拙有如海狮。它具有强有力的双颚,以便牢牢咬住水底的猎物,直到猎物溺毙。被认为是鲸鱼从陆地进化到海洋的link.展开全文
Mesoamerican chronology divides the history of pre-Columbian Mesoamerica into several periods: the Paleo-Indian (first human habitation–3500 BCE), the Archaic (3500–2000), the Preclassic (2000 BCE–200 CE), the Classic (200 CE–1000CE), and the Postclassic (1000 CE–1697 CE).展开全文 原微博
The Kitt Peak National Observatory is a United States astronomical observatory site located in the Arizona-Sonoran Desert. With 24 optical and two radio telescopes, it is the largest, most diverse gathering of astronomical instruments in the world.展开全文 原微博