Chloe妹纸这篇采访还蛮好的 小小年纪也没有被名气冲昏头脑 里面比较好笑的是暗讽了shailene woodley~"You have to be the most realistic person, the one that makes your own toothpaste — that’s what it is now" lol, the shade[偷笑]🔗 网页链接展开全文
No matter what happens to their relationship, I just hope they're happy. They deserve all the success and happiness in the world! You know what we have? Hearts full of respect, pride& adoration. Haters, they only have bitterness. Though there's no competition, we still win!展开全文
原来K的发小Wyni也是个演员 在Swithed at birth片场 追这剧的可以留意下~我Google了下她 发现她还演过The OC,the secret life of the american teenager跟awkward这三部 我都看过 后两部弃剧了 再加上她演的角色小 都没任何印象展开全文
【Kristen's favorite scenes】We still talk about this scene and how fun it was. He remembers what I was wearing. I remember everything about that day一个男的能记得住你那么久之前穿的衣服【gif】展开全文
金球的AP Aziz (主持过MTVMA)试图喂Rob吃mac & cheese 是追着Rob屁股后面非要喂他吃吗 好有画面感 笑死我了 后来Kristen去了 他们有跟Eddie, Sienna一起聊天; Aziz tried to feed Rob some mac and cheese,"展开全文
记得11月7号RK纽约宣传晚上泡吧被粉丝们遇到吗 当时好几个目击 今天这位粉写了完整版 我把PDA部分highlight了 两人挤一起坐 Rob把手放在K大腿下防止她掉下去 K一直搂着他摸他背头发脖子 Rob不断逗K笑亲她额头眼睛脸颊嘴巴giving her sweet quick pecks all over her face,while she giggled and smiled展开全文
Rob大姐旧采访 讲她工作是WPP公司做business development manager 主要负责两方面比较conventional的市场营销和负责WPP的strategic direction 她说小时候就对杂志新闻特别感兴趣本来想做记者 自己是他们家第一个上大学的人 从小爸妈就鼓励他们要用功 不只是传统的课业还有艺术运动或任何他们感兴趣的事展开全文