冯鸭这傻逼好选不选选今天去爬山@submarine_under_the_sea @宫宇宙 原微博 肥鳝大人
All the best //@爱执信ASStef迎接新生: as promised, u couldn't find any embassing photos...gracias..adios mi amiga..y que la fuerza te acompane en el estados unidos 展开全文u r leaving for Singapore tmr. wish u all the best and have a safe flight. 【seriously after what happened to the plane landing SF, all I wish is me and my friends land on their destination safe and sound】 pics are what I promised that Rose,thx~@爱执信ASStef迎接新生 转发 1评论 0 原微博 肥鳝大人
@submarine_under_the_sea 亲爱的小伙伴,原来我们有那么多可爱又可怜共同点。 一起做一个快乐的考试狗吧。 原微博