我们BusinessDepartment的娃原来是这样搭讪的啊〜A:Hi.Where r u from? B:Brazil! U?A:I m from India. Well~We r part of BRIC! A:Yap! With China n Russia. (btw2012BRIC占了GDPTop10的四个席位!但是我大枫叶国才rank11?!真是世风日下啊嘛 你大袋鼠国12。好基友排排坐)@Voyager_Oly展开全文 原微博
我的日本adviser看我辛勤地为她工作,来了一句:If u have any 宿題from Japanese class, I can finish all of them for u! 我OvO她:That is cheating! No way!靠被玩了 我作业都是不写名儿的,胡搞DIY的就只有在下。她冲我说了一通日语然后拥抱了我,就走了。我也没听明白@Voyager_Oly展开全文 原微博
I m sooooo proud of our island~~~~ It makes sense!! Cameron was facing two problems.One is American recession n the other one is competition with JP firms. Huhuhu~ Our business department is a paradise to discover~~@美奈chan展开全文
Minacchan~ @美奈chan I was doing the same thing with u! I had one big Sapporo n one smaller cup of domestic beer~ then~ I was a little bit drunk n I missed someone so much n realized how much I .. the one but now I don't coz we all have our own destinies n responsibilities展开全文