本周活动信息:4月18日周四晚7点,窑岭汇富中心15楼的那个T台训练室,CSTMC第174次会议。本次活动主题为What is a friend? 在这个温暖的成立不到四年的大家庭,大家感情都很深,互帮互助互敬互爱,在生活中已经成了不可或缺的朋友,这种情谊对大家都是宝贵的财富,各位好友,让观众听到你的心声吧!
为了说清楚to stay driest getting from one point to another, you should try to minimize the amount of water falling onto you from above, and quite simply that means getting out the rain as fast as possible,该视频的visual aid做到了简约极致,作为爱演讲的理工科男可以幸福的观赏展开全文
GOOGLE了首语重复:Anaphora is the repetition of the same word or group of words at the beginning of several consecutive sentences or verses to emphasize an image or a concept.试着造个句:下个周四将非常特别,下个周四将有贵宾到场,下个周四也许会充满惊喜,下个周四继续享受会议:)展开全文