耶耶耶 海归国内工作多年,女儿得了绝症,走遍国内医院都治不了,丈夫也离开了她。她走投无路,身无分文,跟朋友借钱带女儿回加拿大,入关因签证过期不准入境,她绝望了!可当海关医生知道她女儿的情况后,马上提请放行!奇迹出现了!女儿被国家免费送进最好的儿童医院。医生说:孩子,你回家了!(她北京人) 转发 3565评论 2 原微博 巴拉巴拉星
@央视新闻 原微博 巴拉巴拉星
Tokyo winning to host 2020 Olympic Games attributes to the vulnerable economic conditions which will probably cannot be pulled back to track if spanish government could not lead the country out of the crisis and, uncertainties and regional destabilizations in Mid-east world. 展开全文原微博