ROUND THE WORLD [series Unus Mundus] Cinthia Marcelle | 2004, Brazil | video | 16’29’’ | color, sound 9 white vans move around the same square, where they can all be seen at the same time.完整版,送给还没睡的。这件作品挺早了,中规中矩。(分享自 @优酷网)🔗 网页链接 展开全文
THE CENTURY 这是其中最为贫穷的做法,不过真是张力十足,很抱歉声音没有录下来。Cinthia Marcelle + Tiago Mata Machado | 2011 | video | 9’37'' in loop In a road, apparently quiet, something is seen being thrown from one end to the other,【视频:THE CENTURY】 🔗 网页链接展开全文
今天看到几件很录像作品,格外喜爱,翻拍下来片段给有缘分的人。玛塞尔 ROUND THE WORLD [series Unus Mundus] Cinthia Marcelle | 2004, Brazil | video | 16’29’’ | color, sound 9 white vans move around the same square 【视频:ROUND THE WORLD】 🔗 网页链接 (分享自 @优酷网)展开全文