麦当当现在什么都有,strawberry&banana smoothies, caramel or mocha iced frappe.明着抢生意, 害得Starbucks开始happy hour。不过英国这天气,喝不到冰饮呢 原微博 Cindy_Smile
@Cheung-Nicole 今天终于看见了传说中刷在伦敦巴士上的伊利广告 原微博 cindy_smile
UK Budget 2012: Increase in personal tax allowances- to more than £9,000; Top rate of tax reduced from 50p to 45p but not for a year; Rise in stamp duty for sales of houses worth £2m; Support for infrastructure and cutting business red tape - BBC 展开全文原微博 Cindy_Smile
新年快乐@ironthree @淋淋尧尧小花生妈咪 @Hi吴阳阳 原微博 Cindy_Smile
新年快乐!@YeongHwa @_oO-Amy-Oo_ 新的一年也要继续为梦想而努力喔! 原微博