“过期肉”用英语怎么说?例句:Shanghai has shut a food production factory for allegedly selling out-of-date meat to restaurant giants including McDonald's and KFC.上海关闭了一家涉嫌向麦当劳、肯德基等快餐店供应过期肉的食品加工厂。“过期肉”可用out-of-date meat或expired meat表示。展开全文
“I was smiling yesterday, I am smiling today and I will smile tomorrow. Simply because life is too short to cry for anything.” ― Santosh Kalwar [呵呵] 人生苦短,不能为任何事情而哭泣。[推荐]展开全文
Look around you and see other people who don’t have enough resources like you do. Being grateful for what you have can help you have a positive attitude all the time. 看看你的周围那些资源没有你充足的人。感恩你所拥有的,这可以帮助你一直保持乐观。展开全文