I have Wen Zhang's birth date as June 26, 1984 He was born with 3 positions in Cancer, the Sun, Mercury and Venus. So, I think he prefers to be a family man. With Jupiter in Capricorn opposite his Cancer positions I think his success expanded his ego, and he's so young!展开全文
From his first days in the computer industry back in the 1970s, Bill Gates said repeatedly, "We want to monopolize the software business." Microsoft was an extension of Bill Gates personality, willfully maintaining control over its innovative territory.展开全文
Neptune is also associated with those things that connect all of us; and Texas A&M University researchers just announced the discovery of a magic physics formula that explains all animal movement, insects, birds, fish, mammals and everything between!展开全文
The water in the pool represents their emotions. The plastic bubble keeps them from being in the water, they avoid the challenges of the water. They drift apart...展开全文 原微博
The little boy and the little girl were in their own bubbles. The pool represented the arena of their relationship. Like many couples i have seen they were going separate ways, in their own bubble.展开全文 原微博
With the Moon in Cancer today perhaps we can better appreicate a sentimental song... By the way, I think the Beijing subway is one of the best in the world. Beijinger's should be proud of it.展开全文 原微博
#houses#Let’s look at the landscape of the houses as illuminated by the position of the Sun at birth. The Sun wants to shine wherever it is – even behind the clouds! Whatever house you have the Sun in shows where you want to shine! Here are some simple Examples(稍后有译文)展开全文
#宫位趣谈#占星学上来说,我们每个人都拥有12所房子,即12宫位。让我们来玩个小游戏,设想你会在每一所房子里发现什么…Each of us owns 12 houses. This is our own personal real estate.What’s in each of these houses?Just for fun imagine what you’d find insider of each house…展开全文