金球奖黛安代伍迪致词时,米亚法罗发推说"Time to grab some icecream & switch over to #Girls" 可能实属辛纳区骨肉的儿子Ronan发了这么条 "Missed the Woody Allen tribute - did they put the part where a woman publicly confirmed he molested her at age 7 before or after Annie Hall?"查看全文>>展开全文 原微博
才知道维基如今在国内又处于部分被封的状态 Wikipedia Co-Founder Jimmy Wales said he would rather have no Wikipedia in China than comply with any form of censorship. 🔗 网页链接展开全文 原微博
Orson Welles Film Made Before 'Citizen Kane' Is Discovered “Too Much Johnson,” designed as part of a 1938 Mercury Theatre multimedia stage production, was thought burned and has never been seen. It will premiere at a silent film festival in Italy in October. @本南丹蒂展开全文 原微博
拉斯冯新片的第二章,导演描述: Chapter 2: Jerôme "Love is just lust with jealousy added" Though love is a shallow feeling in the eyes of the cynical nymphomaniac, young Joe is met by forces penetrating her armoured defences. His name is Jerôme.展开全文
看到顶马那条微博勾起美好回忆:2007.2.12,Roger Waters,上海大舞台,绝对也是我至今看过最牛逼的现场,没有之一。读书那会儿哪想到有天能现场听整张dark side of the moon, breathe前奏起来整个飘飘欲仙了;返场another brick, comfortably numb我唱得比四旁所有老外都大声展开全文
@感恩而死@方糖_FunTong@谋杀电视机 LinkedIn好神奇啊。。Staying in touch with valuable contacts can help you in your career. Quickly connect to some people we think you know. Jianping Cai cafe owner展开全文 原微博