She has won, now it's no fun. We39;ve lost it all, the love is gone.... 原微博 NoNoAn_
Love is an emotional thing. and whatever is emotional is opposed to that true cold reason which I place above all things... I should never marry myself .lest I bias my judgment. 展开全文原微博 NoNoAn_
@YAO_DDDD Hapi Bday完美瑤姐 casino霸氣一生愛死你噢 原微博 NoNoAn_
HAPPY CNY . 原微博 NoNoAn_
有些姑娘 喜歡扭曲事實 無中生有 抹黑別人你以為你他媽就能發光?背個假包晒名牌玩神器您老就成名媛了?混夜店蹭酒他媽比全世界男人都是你哥和你弟!你自欺欺人沒關係 但別他媽再牽扯到我和我朋友 衹好祝您們過的真有你們說的那麼好 原微博