@JohnRoss431 John, i never liked Chen and his theories but i never condemn the person and never mind sharing his thoughts with others. 从未喜欢过陈的理论,但我不扣帽子打棍子,把公知挂嘴上骂。回顾新文化运动,越来越多的人欣赏胡适,而非鲁迅。"问题"高于"主义"。展开全文
@JohnRoss431 //@Forever董军: 我的问题是给Mr Ross @JohnRoss 的,为何那么political? We follow you to hear something academic, not personally attacking. Could you show me the courage to recognize what a public intellectual said right?展开全文
Live shorter with 中国公知! @演员孙海英 circulating false information Russia more successful than 中国. Chart shows life expectancy. In 1987 life expectancy 中国 68.8 years, Russia 69.4. In 2011 中国 73.5 Russia 69.0 New slogan 中国公知 promise you a shorter life !
Statement by the Minister of Finance that China can accept a 6.5% growth rate, and growth this year may by 7% is big international news - see the Wall Street Journal 🔗 网页链接 and the Financial Times 🔗 网页链接展开全文
德国也遭美监控! BERLIN (Reuters) - The United States taps half a billion phone calls, emails and text messages in Germany in a typical month and has classed its biggest European ally as a target similar to China, according to secret U.S. documents quoted by a German newsmagazine展开全文 原微博
英国首相谈苏格兰公投: Put simply: Britain works. Britain works well. Why break it? This big question is for Scotland to decide. But the answer matters to all of our United Kingdom. Scotland is better off in Britain. We're all better off together and poorer apart. 语气很平和!展开全文 原微博