“中国的崛起和朝鲜半岛". 我在斯坦福大学的讲座。美国旧金山附近其他感兴趣的童鞋也欢迎,Saturday, February 1, 2014 Time11:00am。 Where Stanford Graduate School of Business, C-102。不过,真个活动是用韩语进行。展开全文
据境外媒体报道,13名朝鲜脱北者与帮他们的2名中国朝鲜族15日在云南被公安逮捕,国际社会关注中国会不会把它们回送朝鲜。 중국 윈난(雲南)성 쿤밍(昆明)에서는 지난 15일 동남아 국가로 향하던 탈북자 13명과 이들을 안내하던 중국 조선족 2명이 공안에 체포된 것으로 알려졌다.🔗 网页链接展开全文 原微博
【北京讲座】Oct 28 (Monday) - 2:30-4pm - The Party Line: How the media dictates public opinion in China。 Speaker: Doug Young. VENUE: Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Liangmahe Nanlu 4, Sanlitun ENTRANCE: free to FCCC members, 80 rmb at the door for non-members展开全文 原微博
【工作机会:北京】Greenpeace is looking for an International Communications Officer for their office in Beijing。 To develope and implement effective strategies to promote Greenpeace’s campaigns in international media and to global audiences。 recruit.cn@greenpeace.org展开全文 原微博
The collective national amnesia about "a certain day in June" is more than spooky to outside observers. It reveals how little social responsibility Chinese intellectuals bear and also explains why so little respect they receive from their colleagues in other countries.展开全文 原微博
哈佛大四毕业生调查。13%回答,他们在Widener图书馆里做过爱。(他们还要仔细看5层男厕所里面学生写的各种黄色的东西)。那么,跟美国比起来,中国大学图书馆是否缺了一个功能? Class of 2013 Senior Survey: 13% had sex in Widener Library www.thecrimson.com 🔗 网页链接展开全文 原微博