【50篇必背英语名人演讲】---点击大图,打包下载以下50篇必背英语名人演讲,背完你就不一样了~!例如:☻"I Have a Dream" by Martin Luther King, Jr. ☻Inaugural Address by John F. Kennedy.☻First Inaugural Address by Franklin Delano Roosevelt@邱政政@新东方李锦森@上海新东方程骊妮展开全文
#50篇必背名人演讲之4#---1976 Democratic National Convention Keynote Address by Barbara Charline Jordan(Wikipedia: Barbara Charline Jordan was an American politician and a leader of the Civil Rights movement.) @邱政政@新东方李锦森@上海新东方程骊妮展开全文
#Stella带你游英国之交友篇”#--还有下图中胖胖的德国女生,初次见面,我介绍了自己之后,她说“I’m Tina”,这时我说“Tina is also the name of my best friend in China.”这时她就笑了“Now you know another Tina from Germany!” 气氛突然之间就变得和谐了。@邱政政@ukustelele展开全文
#史上最难游戏#---第二关rock, paper, scissors,相当于我们玩的“石头剪刀布”。分享一句很有哲理的话:Scissors cut paper, paper wraps rock, but rock blunts scissors—so none of them is the strongest. 剪刀剪掉纸,纸头包住石,石头磨钝剪,没有谁是最强者。@邱政政@末日少年B展开全文
#倍学口语--看美剧学口语之《老友记》#----你有没有想过best还可以用作动词呢~~~[口语]超过,胜过;打败,击败,战胜;克服: He bested her in the argument. 他在辩论中驳倒了她。 ----和上海新东方倍学口语@新东方李锦森@上海新东方程骊妮 一起学地道英文表达吧~!展开全文