【英语句】Fear not that the life shall come to an end, but rather fear that it shall never have a beginning. --J.H. Newman · 不要害怕你的生活将要结束,应该担心你的生活永... --@JohnnyYChen 的微刊《一起恋英语》 🔗 网页链接展开全文 原微博
【chat与conversation与dialogue的区别】chat/conversation/dialogue的区别(答案):例句:Come to my office, and we can have a cht.;Music is always a topic of conversation with my friends; Joe writes gre... --发布到微刊《一起恋英语》🔗 网页链接展开全文 原微博
#短语#英文中表达“近在咫尺;在某人的附近”怎么说? at one's doorstep. doorstep 是指门的阶梯。 CNN的新闻就用上这句啦: The Chinese see danger at their doorstep if North Korea possesses nuclear weapons.展开全文 原微博
#一起恋英语#《阿甘正传》里有一个描述海上生存能力的经典表达--sea legs 原句:I thought I'd try out my sea legs.我想试一下我在海上的生存能力。例句:I‘ve never really tried out my sea legs. It's time I learned how to sail.我从未出过海,该到学习航行的时候了。@sh张红@箴言唯美@乐嘉展开全文 原微博
回复@shania小窝: but can be in a fun way. //@shania小窝: Deep down, learning English is a tough thing. //@JohnnyYChen: 回复@Vigi_Wu: Thanks! //@Vigi_Wu: Deep down , i really like your voice //@JohnnyYChen: Hey, no problem at all pal. //@龙马水车: deep down,thank you for your sharing展开全文