回复@三脑英语: @生煎馒头围脖版 It says, "hey, you're not supposed to be here, its the middle of the desert, its illegal to cross here, but we don't want you to die, so if you're in distress, call us and we'll save you."//@三脑英语: 这个牌子是为了鼓励过界还是禁止呢?展开全文
这家公司用童工"K'Nex has brought most production of its toys back to its factory in the US from subcontractors in China. The company has redesigned the toys and even handed over to kids who receive the toys a bit of the assembly formerly performed by hand in China."展开全文
"Mandiant discovered several cases in which attackers logged into their Facebook and Twitter accounts to get around China’s firewall that blocks ordinary citizen’s access, making it easier to track down their real identities." 展开全文
@生煎馒头围脖版 你知道这个地方吗?"A growing body of digital forensic evidence leaves little doubt that an overwhelming percentage of the attacks on American corporations, organizations and government agencies originate in and around this white tower in Shanghai"- 纽约时报展开全文
@生煎馒头围脖版 你知道这个地方吗?"A growing body of digital forensic evidence leaves little doubt that an overwhelming percentage of the attacks on American corporations, organizations and government agencies originate in and around this white tower in Shanghai"- 纽约时报展开全文
Mr. Zhuang said it was impossible to separate table tennis from politics and history, a point Mao made even more emphatically. “Regard a Ping-Pong ball as the head of your capitalist enemy. Hit it with your socialist bat, and you have won the point for the fatherland.” -NYT 展开全文