//@王老急不急: Hold your breath for 30 seconds and imagin the rest of your life will be lived this way......this isn't a story, this is the really life of millions dust-lung workds. Do something for them! @Discovery纪录片,@路透中文网Reuters,@法新社,@美联社展开全文
#世界呼吸日#【关注“边缘”尘肺病人】百万农民工身患尘肺绝症,却只能跪着走向死亡。边缘群体如何得到社会关注?CCTVNEWS记者@CCTV韩鹏 专访“大爱清尘”创始人@王克勤 With no compensation, situation is dire for millions of dust lung patients across China's rural areas. 🔗 网页链接
#世界呼吸日#【关注“边缘”尘肺病人】百万农民工身患尘肺绝症,却只能跪着走向死亡。边缘群体如何得到社会关注?CCTVNEWS记者@CCTV韩鹏 专访“大爱清尘”创始人@王克勤 With no compensation, situation is dire for millions of dust lung patients across China's rural areas. 🔗 网页链接