#Application Ranting##不作死就不会死#要不是因为Reed离NYC实在有点远我就一心申他家了orz……“Study for the sake of knowledge”,光这一点就让我对这个学校死心塌地了……再rigorous的curricula我都认了!!Junior Qualifying Exam和Senior Thesis听起来都好吸引人捂脸……【所以我就是个M……= =展开全文 原微博
囧胖子RSL的知更鸟昨天已经开始preview,22号opening night。演出地点在Regent's park的 open air theatre。这样说可能有点抽象——那这么说,公园就在老李家附近,是我们亲爱的豪斯大叔经常遛狗的地方。所以为什么有人曾经放言要吃某人住某人的,为什么某人在演出开始前推掉了所有的赏演和节目
节操啊救命!! //伊萬杰琳: 哈哈哈救!//daisy: 救命啊 //朱鲤: THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA 25th ANNIVERSARY. Hadley plays a man who ends up as a drunk (in the sequel) and strokes Sierra Boggess' face. What more could you want from the world's most popular musical...? Wait a second...展开全文
LES MISERABLES 25th ANNIVERSARY. Hadley plays a drunk and strokes Ramin Karimloo's face. What more could you want from the world's most popular musical...?【肉排排个人网站上的原文颗颗。展开全文 转发 1评论 0