这行主要干这些:“I do all kinds of set-ups: from regular spanking and cross-dressing to cutting and sewing someone's skin. ”//@weiii: 原来干这行也有行话:"amber" 的意思是客户需要呼吸; "red"是紧急状况下使用的安全词汇。展开全文
今日《卫报》好重口:15个不同职业的人讲述行业故事。其中,有Dominatrix(女性施虐者)。“First thing's first: I don't offer sex and I don't allow any body worship above the knee. They might be able to masturbate a bit, but I'm normally a bitch about that and give them a countdown.”展开全文
今日《卫报》好重口:15个不同职业的人讲述行业故事。其中,有Dominatrix(女性施虐者)。“First thing's first: I don't offer sex and I don't allow any body worship above the knee. They might be able to masturbate a bit, but I'm normally a bitch about that and give them a countdown.”展开全文