Had the most amazing night at Jellyfish!!!!!! Had so much fun with my old friends and new friends from NYC and LA!!!! We all held our hands, danced and sang all night!!!!! Bravo love you guys!!!!! Good night 展开全文原微博 格子貝蒂
我发现狮子座的姑娘都一个样儿,真性情,根本劝不住,使劲往南墙上撞,撞啊撞,撞的头破血流,停不住,还一直想撞开。#祝为爱而生的我们都幸福# @我叫宋萧你叫萧颂 @Wendy小雯子 @HeyKayy @麋鹿貝桑Bella 原微博 格子貝蒂
Old Bookworm in Chengdu. 我在这里:🔗 网页链接 原微博