Then the rain came, hasn't stopped, I don't know if it will~But I'll keep waitin'with a hopeful heart~It's a rainy day in June~The sky is gray and I am blue. Tryin' to make it without you On this rainy day in June. 展开全文原微博 Psycho_布丁
看来今天是要通宵了! @Miss雷二二连学号都是22的菇凉 @Simon老师是个好老师 @PR不再问沁_RP大爆发 @小小小珏子 @小謉-X @YOKI至爱小黄鸭 原微博 Psycho_布丁
@虹酱Fighting2013 发现一部新剧《鸟瞰德国》蛮灵的!~ 原微博 Psycho_布丁
碉堡了!!!星盘怎么可以这么准!!!!@虹酱Fighting2013 原微博 Psycho_布丁
It's a rainy day in Oct. The sky is grey and I am blue. Then the rain cam hasn't stop, I don't know if it will. But I‘ll keep waiting with the hopeful heart. 展开全文原微博 Psycho_布丁
微博三岁了!#我和微博这些年#1096天,26304小时,我发表了4054条微博,有156位互粉粉丝,我的第一位粉丝是@CarrieCHOO__RF 微博记录着我生活的点点滴滴、喜怒哀乐。140字@ 你我的世界,新浪微博,在我身边!🔗 网页链接 原微博