OMG 安吉丽娜茱莉为防止乳腺癌进行了双乳切除手术。"doctors estimated that I had an 87 per cent risk of breast cancer and a 50 per cent risk of ovarian cancer" she told NY Times 🔗 网页链接展开全文 原微博
The WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has announced to run Senate candidates in Victoria, NSW and Western Australia. 这下好玩了,Assange仍在大使馆避难,却有大批追随者已经加入Wikileaks Party,要是他当选澳洲政府怎么下台啊。 🔗 网页链接展开全文 原微博
The NY Times says Chinese hackers have carried out sustained attacks on its computer systems. the cyberassaults took place over the past four months, beginning during a special investigation.🔗 网页链接展开全文 原微博
学生开始中枪了。The Daily Telegraph今天继续跟进报道:Chinese students are being recruited to buy hundreds of tins of infant formula in Australia and ship them to be sold on the black market in China. It appears an organized black market network is threatening Australian families.展开全文