I’ve always had a sneaking suspicion that he just plays MF, to see him let go of what I think are his acting crutches (certain facial expressions) and really embody a character was great. He was so committed and really took command of the role. www.london-reviews.co.uk/2014/07展开全文 原微博
扫影评看到这么一句“Martin Freeman as Bilbo is perfect, but he’s a butterfly directed by a sledgehammer”-Financial Times 马丁 弗里曼饰演的比尔博是完美的,只是他是只在大锤指挥下的蝴蝶—金融时报 感觉这评论好微妙啊,召唤已看过的小伙伴们来讨论。或者咱们找地方开个讨论楼?展开全文 原微博
#martin freeman# 汤上有人repo“Saw Martin Freeman walking through Berwick Street today. A boy walked beside him for a good few minutes with his jaw dropped to the floor.”(今天看到MF穿过Berwick 街,一个男孩跟着他走了好一会,下巴掉到了地上)🔗 网页链接展开全文
这篇hitfix的专访很直接朴素,除了开宗明义的第一句“If there is one thing Martin Freeman is not, it is a man who buys into his own hype.”,都是MF自己在谈。谈PJ“孩子们想看的电影”帮助他找到了表演的基调,谈表演不能仅靠激情,谈第一次看到预告,谈与龙的对手戏……🔗 网页链接展开全文
推上的Vikki @AllTimeFlirt姑娘发了张和MF的合影,“Dear followers. Don't be too jealous but Martin Freeman and I are best friends. He gave me acting tips”,我真的很少见他穿T啊,看出来英国最近热了。source:🔗 网页链接展开全文
I can move~~~~//@游荡的法师: 才知道原来叫美少女爷爷……【噗】//@Colonel-X: “我知道你没那个意思,你没那个意思都遇到我三次了。” 噗哈哈哈看到这里真是笑死!嗷嗷!!这样隔着翻译MF的各种嘲讽还是即视感超强啊啊太可爱了!不能拍照求官方视频!//@luvnorigreentea: Martin幽默又可爱!展开全文