我还忘了说,itunes上一首歌儿卖0.99刀,但是每卖出一首歌儿,艺人本身只获利0.18刀,其它大头儿全是唱片公司的收益;我在国内根本不知道那个 itunes store 的图标是干嘛的,因为里面什么都没有啊,尽管你问外国人,它们也很少在这种虚拟的东西上花钱;所以才有了盗版有了黑客有了没完没了的官司,展开全文 原微博
all psychology are scientific, read ahead of me; critical facts, think creatively, trans-verbal communication skills; mTuner, mind / memory; textbook. issue presented in a very different way; are people who read Harry Potter more lonely people展开全文 原微博
Many highly talented, brilliant, creative people think they are not because the thing they were good at at school wasn’t valued, or actually stigmatized;if you are not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with anything original;🔗 网页链接展开全文
每个res单位发了一个颜色的方巾作为标志,我们是墨绿色的crocodile,RDRA说叫我们 be creative,不要把它光戴在腕子上,随便系在哪里都可以,今天差点儿没把我捂死,这么多人的AC223,温度可想而知;感谢连心帮我系了绿领巾在脖子上,虽然从加东就一直没见了所以格外兴奋,之后我唱着队歌儿回去的展开全文 原微博
debate的时候就是会有人说不上来话,然后被人说一句 you are doing a lot head shaking,不过后来这胖子说话以后就各种捉鸡,circular reasoning 神马的全班连MMC都在笑;(R) republican, less government, period, they will be happy if there is no government,1st level: municipal level展开全文 原微博
早上讲了下 teen slang 的阅读,我把查这些倒霉俚语的网站发上来了,好像dictionary.com这么正统字典网站的anti版,叫urbandictionary.com;MMC还说了我以前总被说不通俚语的情况,you don’t know someone is offensive to you, neither how you will behave展开全文 原微博