与女儿晨诵:《浣溪沙》小院闲窗春色深,重练未卷影沉沉。倚楼无语理瑶琴。远岫出云催薄暮,细风吹雨弄轻阴。梨花欲谢恐难禁。 Clouds rise from distant hills and hasten dusk to fall; The breeze and rain together weave a twillght pall. I am afraid pear blossoms cannot stand at all.展开全文 原微博
与女儿晨诵:《蒹葭》蒹葭苍苍,白露为霜。所谓伊人,在水一方。溯洄从之,道阻且长。溯游从之,宛在水中央。Green, green the reed, Dew and frost gleam. Where's she I need? Beyond the stream. Upstream I go, The way is long. Downstream I go, She's thereamong. 展开全文 原微博
与女儿晨诵:《桑中》爰采唐矣?沫之乡矣。云谁之思?美孟姜矣。期我乎桑中,要我乎上宫,送我乎淇之上矣。Where's golden thread to pick? In May field where it39;s thick. Who are you thinking of? Jiang's eldest lass I love. Would she wait for me amid mulberries...展开全文 原微博
与女儿晨诵:《燕燕》仲氏任只,其心塞渊。终温且惠,淑慎其身。先君之思,以勖寡人。My faithful sister dear, With feeling so sincere, You're so gentle and sweet, So prudent and discreet. The thought of our late lord Strikes our sensitive chord.展开全文 原微博
与女儿晨诵:《燕燕》燕燕于飞,上下其音。之子于归,远送于南。瞻望弗及,实劳我心。A pair of swallows fly, Their songs heard far and nigh. You go to your home state, I see you leave south gate. When your car disappears, I am grieved and shed tears.展开全文 原微博
与女儿晨诵:关关雎鸠<Cooing and Wooing> By riverside are cooing A pair of turtledoves. A good young man is wooing A fair maiden he loves. Water flows left and right Of cresses here and there. The youth yearns day and night For the good maiden fair... 这是男求女的情诗。许渊冲译展开全文 原微博
今晨和珊珊听Antoniano小合唱团的《加油耶稣 Forza Gesù》http://t.cn/zO0xvrs,我找出视频,和珊珊一起听。上次@周合上海 推荐我听时还是几个月前,当时我泪流满面,这次依然忍不住流泪,为小男孩耶稣,为领唱的小女孩的清澈的眼睛和歌声,为歌词:只要有爱就可以做很多事情,比如安慰一点耶稣...展开全文
与女儿一起晨诵:它不知疲倦无能为力,每一次冲刺都徒劳,都使大树面对难解的玻璃,像一只小鸟。The tireless but ineffectual hands That with every futile pass Made the great tree seem as a little bird Before the mystery of glass. (一再重复的梦The Oft-Repeated Dream片段)佛罗斯特Forest展开全文 原微博