所以说当非常喜欢的演员要去Marvel演戏了,这事就太难说了。也许James Spader as Ultron→James Spader→The Blacklist or sth like Boston Legal→James Spader's work逻辑通顺,但每当想起来James Spader as Ultron就够演足内心戏了!展开全文
从来没有翻过外媒这些网站的about us,今天翻了一下collider.com的,结果里面有一句吸引投资人发广告的话有点笑人了: Amazingly, they bought it, and, seeing as how they’ve got more money than the Great Wall of China’s got bricks, we think you should buy it, too. 无处不中枪啊。。。展开全文
#The Girl# Hitchcook看到Tippi Hedren在跟片场的小哥调情说的一句台词:There was a young man from Kentucky,who has such large cock he could suck it, he looked into the glass , saw his own ass and broke his own neck trying to fuck it。。。怕怕内!展开全文 原微博
OH~Gees, My head was merely pierced in a thin steel tube.Death is on the line for god sake.Fortunately the kerb stopped my step and prevented me from being killed. Otherwise, This weibo would stop updating by the date of 26th, Feb,2012...Saved by a nightmare earns a better light展开全文 原微博