第一张贡献者的说明:Stubble and Suits, probably our two most favourite things on a Tubecrush. This sexy man looks like the type you would take home to your parents but would also show you a good time. His face handsome and his outfit sharp – potentially the next star of suits. 展开全文原微博 tuwuwa
我看到个外卖单,马拉付1焦严排1公包鸡丁1杨周炒饭1,我说老板娘你写的啊,烧烤师傅凑过来说他写的,我说有才啊你,他说我正发明中国文字呢 ...店里的两只八哥两只鹦鹉都笑开怀了。我喜欢这个店呢。 原微博