Aujourd'hui , c'est Poisson d'avril. Bonne fête :) / Happy April 1st. Dare to suck. Enjoy the stupid moment.
Music is an amazing thing. Unique human, at least here on earth, music has the ability to lift the hearts of every who listens to it -- making them feel on top of the world and taking their spirit high into sky.
今天飞机上 边上坐着一对男女正好是Christian Dior的中国区品牌公关和大客户 其中 大客户手里拿着今年秋冬的秀款包 又一边向我抱怨着如今Raf Simons的Piece做得和中国的创意星空一样“实验” 彩带飘飘像跳健美操的就算了 极简到了极致还是脱不了高定的影子 ... 什么心态?!